There is a drumbeat of admonitions to maintain a "social distance" of 6 feet between people in public when possible and reasonable to reduce the chance of catching covid-19. Although the distance is almost always quoted as "6 feet", what is really meant is "6 feet minimum".

To be clear, maintaining appropriate "social distancing" is supported by this site. And this applies to various curcumstances, not just as a defensive medical strategy. The guidance of 6 feet is a comprimise of more distance reducing the chance of being effected by the covid-19 virus, practicality and the probability of compliance.

It seems that covid-19 is spread by airborne particles that normally last up to 4 hours in the air and normally travel up to 6 feet which are potentially inhaled by the person being infected. Some analysis claims spreading up to 27 feet which probably refers to the mist component.

Some claim that covid-19 is not considered to be an airborne disease, probably because these particles do not endlessly float in the air. But some claim expelled mist does float in air. In any case it can and does spread by traveling in the air from an infected person to another person.

It seems that the declarations about social distancing and the possibilioty of infection by any given virus is referred to in absolute terms when in reality the effects are in percentages and probabilities. The N95 mask itself if working perfectly blocks 95% of relevant particles. This percentage is reduced by nonperfect wearing and the handling of the mask.

Social distancing guidlines do not guarantee not being infected by whatever is in the air. It does reduce the probability of infection from what it would be without any distancing standard, not eliminate it.




This site reflects only the opinions of the site management.
Site management does not include any medical professionals
Individuals are urged to do their own analysis.